Thursday, December 14, 2006

"Compressed Earth Block (CEB)"

Dari : Jackie Craven
Definisi : Compressed Earth Blocks, or CEBs, are construction blocks made with clay, sand, and a stabilizing ingredient such as lime or Portland cement. The earth mixture is poured into a hydraulic press machine. Since they are machine-made, compressed earth blocks are uniform in size and shape.

The Magic Building Material

Jim Hallock is director of Earth Block Operations at The Villages of Loreto Bay

Sift the Clay

Before making the compressed earth blocks, the clay must be sifted.

Stabilize the Clay

The mortar is mixed at the building site.

Compress the Clay

The earthen mixture is compressed into building blocks.

Let the Earth Cure

The compressed earth blocks are wrapped in plastic.

Stack the Blocks

Mortar should be used sparingly on CEBs.

Reinforce the Blocks
Steel rods and chicken wire reinforce the walls.

Parge the Walls

The earth block walls are parged with lime plaster

Insulate Between the Walls

The new earth-walled homes resemble ancient pueblos.

Add Color
Homes in the Villages of Loreto Bay are finished with organic mineral oxide pigments that bond with the lime plaster.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

from bLOgmaster..


Alhamdulilah saya telah telah menyelesaikan pembuatan mail list dan blog artyforum..Semoga ini dapat menjadi kontribusi positif dalam pengembangan minat riset di kalangan rakyat Indonesia, khususnya para akademisi dan praktisi dunia Arsitektur dari berbagai sub-bidang ilmu Arsitektur..

Sangat penting bagi kita untuk bekerja sama dan bertukar pikiran dalam usaha pengembangan negara ini melalui fasilitas mail list dan blog yang memudahkan kita..dalam usaha yang vital..yaitu dengan usaha melakukan riset-riset Arsitektur..

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